Nuevas Aceras en el Condado de Orange: Un Camino Seguro para los Peatones

Seguridad y Salud Pública

Las aceras seguras salvan vidas. Orange County leaders know this, and have made sidewalk safety a key focus area within the Programa Acelerado de Seguridad en el Transporte y Visión Cero initiatives.

The County is using sales tax monies to fund $100 million in transportation needs over five years, with $55 million of this for roadway lighting, sidewalks and pedestrian safety projects. The sidewalks portion provides $25 million to address 26 miles of sidewalks in the County.

“Sidewalks provide a safe path for pedestrians to walk along rather than walking directly along a given roadway,” said Eric Haertjens, Engineer II, Ingeniería de Obras Públicas del Condado de Orange. "The likelihood of conflicts with vehicles is significantly lowered when a pedestrian is on a sidewalk rather than in the roadway." Haertjens stressed that although these sidewalk projects are underway, pedestrians have a responsibility for their own safety just as drivers have a responsibility to be mindful of pedestrians.

"You need to be aware of your surroundings, which includes people or objects along your path on a given sidewalk, or vehicles traveling the roadway," he asserted. "You should also use signed or marked crosswalks to cross roads wherever possible, just as drivers should remember it's state law to yield to pedestrians crossing the road."

For more information on Orange County’s transportation initiative and to access the current list of roadway lighting, sidewalk and pedestrian safety projects, go to Programa Acelerado de Seguridad en el Transporte.

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