Building an ADU in Orange County is now easier than ever with Ready Set Orange

Comunidad y Servicios

Looking to build a Mother-in-Law suite in your backyard for an aging family member? Or maybe you want to put a long-term rental unit behind your house for an extra source of income?

A new Orange County program called Preparados, Listos, Orange is here to make it easier than ever to construct an Accessory Dwelling Unit on your property.

As part of the County's ongoing effort to address the housing affordability crisis, Ready Set Orange allows homeowners in unincorporated Orange County to choose from four pre-designed ADU floorplan models. Customers are provided with step-by-step instructions on how to receive the floorplans free of charge and how to obtain final construction permits.

The program is designed to help homeowners save time and money.

Orange County's Chief Planner Carter Gresham said there has been tremendous interest and momentum behind ADUs since the county began allowing them in 2019. However, since they are a fairly new concept, there has also been confusion surrounding how they work.

"There have been a lot of questions regarding where to start, how the process of building one begins" Gresham said. "Ready Set Orange is here to really kick this process into high gear."

Una ADU es una unidad de vivienda residencial independiente, más pequeña, ubicada en el mismo lote que una vivienda unifamiliar independiente, separada. Las ADU proporcionan un espacio de vivienda para familiares de propietarios de viviendas o pueden ser alquiladas por inquilinos por un período de más de 180 días.

However, the program is not just for ADUs. The program also offers four pre-designed floorplans for small single-family homes, perfect for newlywed couples looking to build a starter home.

Orange County needs more housing products like these.

"La intención de este programa es proporcionar mayores oportunidades de viviendas asequibles para residentes mediante la eliminación de barreras en el proceso", señaló Olan Hill, Sugerente de la División de Planificación del Condado. "En nuestro mercado residencial actual abundan las viviendas unifamiliares independientes y las multifamiliares adosadas, con muy poca oferta de todo lo que hay en el medio".

Cuatro de los planos de "Preparados, Listos, Orange" disponibles son para ADU, y su tamaño varía de 531 pies cuadrados a 708 pies cuadrados. The other four floorplans are for single-family homes, ranging in size from 1,150 square feet to 1,483 square feet

Para mayor información, visite Preparados, Listos, Orange.

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