Safer Streets for All: Improvements Continue Along Rio Grande Avenue

Comunidad y Servicios

Over the next six weeks the safety improvements planned for Rio Grande Avenue will begin to take shape transforming Rio Grande from a five-lane road to two lanes with more space to accommodate pedestrians, bicyclists and other users.

Overnight paving operations are now underway which will bring the design aspects of this project to fruition. Once the road is repaved, new striping will change the look, feel, and functionality of Rio Grande Avenue.

Paving crews will be working nightly between Gore Street and 33rd Street.

Since construction began in June, crews have completed curb, gutter, and sidewalk work making the corridor both ADA compliant and safer for pedestrians. Raised refuge islands have been built in the median to provide pedestrians with a safe place to stop while crossing the roadway.

Once installed, rapid flashing beacons will alert drivers to the presence of pedestrians.

All elements of the Rio Grande Avenue Pedestrian Safety Improvement project will be implemented by the end of October.

This project is part of the Programa Acelerado de Seguridad en el Transporte.

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