Orange County Contact: Diane Summers, 407-254-9141
Seminole County Contact: Diane Gagliano, 407-665-5208
Osceola County Contact: Kim Staton, 407-742-8000

Servicios para Animales de los Condados de Orange, Seminole y Osceola Lanzan el Desafío de Verano "Great Summer Challenge" con los Mejores Perros y Gatos de Refugios de EE. UU.

Florida Central - 1 de junio de 2017 - Por segundo año consecutivo, Servicios para Animales de los condados de Orange, Seminole y Osceola han lanzado el desafío de verano "Great Summer Challenge", una iniciativa que durará todo el verano para determinar qué refugio logra alcanzar el porcentaje más alto de adopciones, reencuentros y liberaciones entre los tres refugios con "admisión libre" de la comunidad. Open admission shelters are public animal shelters, which means they do not ever turn away a dog or cat in need.

While the Great Summer Challenge was introduced just last year by Seminole County Animal Services, it has already been credited with huge results. In 2016 the challenge helped facilitate more than 5,000 adoptions, reunifications with lost families, and releases to foster and rescue partners. Collectively, these successful outcomes are considered "release rates." The shelters, through percentage, captured the number of releases from the previous year and compared them to the current year, which ultimately claimed victor.

Last year, Seminole County Animal Services took home the title after increasing their live release numbers by 14.2 percent, helping 953 animals. Osceola County reported 966 animals were successfully released, a 6.50 percent increase and in Orange County 3,370 animals were either adopted, reunified or released to rescue and foster partners, a 4.69 percent jump. The initiative mixes a bit of friendly competition and banter, along with unique adoption promotions, media outreach, social strategies as well as viral videos all in an effort to shine an even brighter spotlight on deserving animals in need of homes. "We have some very tough competition this year," said Carol Coleman, interim manager of Seminole County Animal Services. "We know we will have to work that much harder to continue to be the reigning champions. With that said, we got this!"

The summer months are chosen for the challenge as they are the peak breeding seasons for stray dogs and cats, which can directly impact the number of animals in the shelters. In Orange County alone, intake numbers can almost double, from an average of 50 new animals a day, to 100 during this time. "It's critical to the animals, as well as the operation to find good homes as quickly as we can during these months. Our staff and volunteers give these animals as much love and attention as they can while in our care, but nothing replaces being in a home," said Dil Luther, Division Manager for Orange County Animal Services.

Orange, Osceola and Seminole county animal shelters plan to offer special promotions including reduced fees to adopt, as well as encouraging spay and neuter services. Orange County has launched a summer-long "Best in American Shelter Dog" theme - garnered to showcase the very best the "American Shelter Dog" has to offer.

While the shelters each represent their respective counties, they work in partnership throughout the year to find permanent and loving solutions for homeless animals. "Last year we saw the success of the far reaching efforts that this competition offers and we're excited to participate once more. Bring it on!" said Kim Staton, director of Osceola County Animal Services.

To look for animals available for adoption, the shelters encourage you not just to visit their websites and Facebook pages to view photos of available animals, but stop by for a visit. If you do not meet you match on the first try, please come back or visit another shelter.

Acerca de Servicios para Animales en el Condado de Orange
Servicios para Animales en el Condado de Orange es el centro de adopción y rescate de mascotas más grande de la Florida Central. El año pasado, los Servicios para Animales recibieron casi 20,000 animales en sus refugios. Durante más de 40 años, la misión de la agencia ha sido proteger a los ciudadanos y animales del Condado de Orange. Its vision is to give abandoned and neglected pets a second chance to live long, healthy lives in safe, loving homes or Facebook at Servicios para Animales del Condado de Orange.

Más información sobre Servicios para Animales del Condado de Seminole
Servicios para Animales del Condado de Seminole garantiza la seguridad de sus residentes brindándoles un refugio humanitario y una adecuada disposición de los animales perdidos y no deseados e investigando los incidentes relacionados con mordeduras y denuncias de casos de crueldad hacia los animales. Con aproximadamente 10,000 animales recogidos el año pasado, nuestra agencia se ha concentrado en promover la importancia del bienestar animal y la responsabilidad de tener una mascota a través de programas de adopción y educación de la comunidad.

Más información sobre Servicios para Animales del Condado de Osceola
Servicios para Animales del Condado de Osceola pone el foco de atención en la segurdad pública y el bienestar animal a través programas de ejecución, adopción, mascotas perdidas y encontradas, voluntariado, ente otros. Nos esforzamos por garantizar una interacción segura entre las personas y las mascotas mientras trabajamos para lograr un resultado real y concreto, en lo posible, para los 9,000 animales que recibimos.


Editor’s Note: Please call the shelters for pics, interviews and video ops.

Conozca acerca del Gobierno del Condado de Orange:el Gobierno del Condado de Orange hace todo lo posible por servir a sus residentes y visitantes con integridad, honradez, imparcialidad y profesionalismo. Situado en la Florida Central, el Condado de Orange cuenta con 13 municipios y alberga a los parques temáticos más famosos del mundo, a uno de los centros de convenciones más grande del país y a un centro de investigación en ciencias biológicas. La Junta de Comisionados del Condado está conformada por siete miembros electos, entre los que se incluye el Alcalde, cuya elección es a nivel de todo el condado. Para mayor información visite o ingrese a los canales de medios sociales del Gobierno del Condado de Orange..

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