Contralor del Condado de Orange, Phil Diamond, Contador Público, Presenta el Programa de Alerta de Fraude a la Propiedad
Orlando, Florida – Orange County Comptroller Phil Diamond announced that his Official Records Department has set up a free property fraud alert program for Orange County residents.
Según el FBI, el fraude inmobiliario e hipotecario es el delito de guante blanco que crece con más rapidez. The property fraud alert system helps to protect a person's property from fraud by monitoring documents such as liens, deeds, and mortgages that are recorded in the Orange County official records.
By signing up for property fraud alerts, Orange County residents will receive notification by email or telephone whenever a document with their name on it is recorded in Orange County. This early notification can provide valuable time to stop criminals in their tracks. Reviewing property records is an important way for residents to protect themselves from fraud.
Comptroller Diamond will also be hosting an informational session to discuss the program and important fraud prevention tips. Along with Comptroller Diamond, Sergeant Bell from the Orange County Sheriff's Office Economic Crimes Squad will also be presenting and answering any questions from the community. The informational session will be on Tuesday, April 3 at 10 am in the Orange County Commission Chambers at 201 South Rosalind Avenue in Orlando. This event is free and open to the public.
"Too many Central Florida residents are victims of cybercriminals. This free new service will help Orange County residents protect themselves from property fraud," stated Diamond.
Para mayor información visite www.occompt.com and follow the Comptroller’s office on Facebook and Twitter.
Conozca acerca del Gobierno del Condado de Orange:el Gobierno del Condado de Orange hace todo lo posible por servir a sus residentes y visitantes con integridad, honradez, imparcialidad y profesionalismo. Situado en la Florida Central, el Condado de Orange cuenta con 13 municipios y alberga a los parques temáticos más famosos del mundo, a uno de los centros de convenciones más grande del país y a un centro de investigación en ciencias biológicas. La Junta de Comisionados del Condado está conformada por siete miembros electos, entre los que se incluye el Alcalde, cuya elección es a nivel de todo el condado. Para mayor información visite www.OCFL.net o ingrese a los canales de medios sociales del Gobierno del Condado de Orange..