Orange County Partners with the Orlando VA Health Care System for the 50th Anniversary of the Vietnam War Recognition Ceremony
The ceremony starts at 11:00 a.m. Friday, March 28, 2025
Orange County, FL This year marks the 50th Anniversary of the end of the Vietnam War. The United States of America Vietnam War Commemoration, authorized by Congress and launched in 2012, began on Memorial Day, May 28, 2012, and will conclude on Veterans Day, November 11, 2025.
Mayor Jerry L. Demings and the Orange County Mayor’s Veterans Advisory Council in partnership with the Orlando VA Health Care System, will join local, state, and national dignitaries for a recognition ceremony to thank and honor all United States Armed Forces Vietnam Era personnel with active-duty service between November 1, 1955, and May 1, 1975, regardless of location.
This year's keynote speaker is Major General Arnold Fields United States Marine Corp (Retired) who retired in January, 2024 with over 34 years of service. His last active-duty assignment was as the Assistant Deputy Vice Chief of Staff in Stuttgart, Germany.
"I sincerely thank all who have served and continue to serve in the United States Armed Forces. Your service to our country will always be remembered," said Mayor Demings. "We are grateful for the sacrifices you and your family have made in defending this great Nation. Me enorgullece ser su Alcalde".
The ceremony will occur at the Amphitheater between the Chapel and the Community Living Center.
Parking for the event will be made available in the east and west parking garages, as well as any available parking spots in the south parking lot near the emergency room.
Please RSVP by sending an email to
El Honorable Alcalde del Condado de Orange, Jerry L. Demings
Consejo Asesor de Veteranos del Alcalde del Condado de Orange
Major General Arnold Fields United States Marine Corp (Retired)
Viernes 28 de marzo de 2025
11:00 a.m.
Lake Nona VA Medical Center | 13800 Veterans Way, Orlando, FL 32827
For ceremony attendees to RSVP, go to Register here:
Learn more about the 50th Anniversary of the Vietnam War:
Major General Arnold Fields United States Marine Corp (Retired) Biography is available through the Box Link:
To learn more about the Orange County Mayor’s Veterans Advisory Council or services available for veterans living in Orange County, go to
Orange TV transmitirá la ceremonia en vivo. Viewing options include Channel 488 on Spectrum, Channel 9 on
Comcast, 1081 CenturyLink Prism TV, WSWF Channel 10.2 (over the air), stream live at You can view it on the Orange TV app on ROKU in the Education category.
Conozca acerca del Gobierno del Condado de Orange:el Gobierno del Condado de Orange hace todo lo posible por servir a sus residentes y visitantes con integridad, honradez, imparcialidad y profesionalismo. Situado en la Florida Central, el Condado de Orange cuenta con 13 municipios y alberga a los parques temáticos más famosos del mundo, a uno de los centros de convenciones más grande del país y a un centro de investigación en ciencias biológicas. La Junta de Comisionados del Condado está conformada por siete miembros electos, entre los que se incluye el Alcalde, cuya elección es a nivel de todo el condado. Para mayor información visite o ingrese a los canales de medios sociales del Gobierno del Condado de Orange..