Oficial de Información Pública del Gobierno del Condado de Orange
Email: PIO@ocfl.net

Orange County’s Building Safety Fee Reduction Program Expires March 31, 2025

Orange County, Fl. — Two years ago, an Orange County program enacted a temporary fee reduction that helped customers save roughly $10 million in permitting costs. The program is set to expire on March 31, 2025.

With the expiration of this program, eight building permits that received a 25% discount will return to normal billing rates. The temporary reduction in fees required annual renewal, and the Orange County Board of County Commissioners voted on February 25 to end the program. The fee reduction will continue to apply to any permit application already in process as of March 31, 2025.

Three fee adjustments for Building Residential, Building Commercial and Electrical Permits will remain in place.

The 2022 approval also included a $3 million incentive fund to offset most building permit and inspection fees for Orange County Certified Affordable Housing projects. As of February 28, 2025, funds are still available under this arm of the program.

Orange County Certified Affordable Housing projects may be eligible to have a reduction in permitting fees assessed by the Division of Building Safety. With rapidly rising material and labor costs, this fund serves as an additional tool Orange County can offer to incentivize affordable housing projects in our community.

To learn more about applying for Orange County Certified Affordable Housing for your project, contact affordablehousing@ocfl.net

Conozca acerca del Gobierno del Condado de Orange:el Gobierno del Condado de Orange hace todo lo posible por servir a sus residentes y visitantes con integridad, honradez, imparcialidad y profesionalismo. Situado en la Florida Central, el Condado de Orange cuenta con 13 municipios y alberga a los parques temáticos más famosos del mundo, a uno de los centros de convenciones más grande del país y a un centro de investigación en ciencias biológicas. La Junta de Comisionados del Condado está conformada por siete miembros electos, entre los que se incluye el Alcalde, cuya elección es a nivel de todo el condado. Para mayor información visite www.OCFL.net o ingrese a los canales de medios sociales del Gobierno del Condado de Orange..

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