Kelly Finkelstein, Communications Manager
Work: 407-836-5818 | Mobile: 407-468-5289 | Email:

La Alcaldesa Teresa Jacobs Organiza la Cumbre Económica 2018 el 19 de enero en el Centro de Convenciones del Condado de Orange

WHAT: Orange County Mayor Teresa Jacobs will host the Cumbre Económica del Condado de Orange 2018  on Jan. 19. The Summit will provide an overview on local job growth, economic success and workforce development.

WHO: Mayor Jacobs will be joined by local experts and distinguished panelists including:

  • Sean Snaith, Ph.D., Director of the University of Central Florida Institute for Economic Competitiveness will present his highly anticipated annual economic update.
  • The Funding & Growing Your Tech Enterprise in Central Florida Panel
  • Tim Giuliani, President and CEO of the Orlando Economic Partnership
  • Suneera Madhani, co-founder and CEO of Fattmerchant
  • Shawn Seipler, Chief Executive Officer of Clean the World
  • Chris Whitlow, founder and CEO of Edukate

WHERE: Orange County Convention Center, North Concourse – Room N320

9400 Universal Blvd.

Orlando, Fla. 32819

WHEN: Friday, Jan. 19. Registration begins at 8 a.m. The Summit begins at 9 a.m.

Following the Summit, Orange County will also host the third annual Florida TechMatch:, an invitation-only event that paves the way for local technology companies and national industry leaders to build relationships, discuss contracts and explore possible mentoring opportunities.

BACKGROUND:  The Mayor’s annual Cumbre Económica was launched in 2013 following a series of nine economic and job summits designed to examine the area’s varied needs.

Editor’s Note for Media: Media will be provided with audio mult and an unobstructed view from a platform in the middle of the ballroom. Mayor Jacobs, Sean Snaith, and other panelists will be available for interviews following the event. La prensa tendrá acceso a un estacionamiento privilegiado y recibirá una copia en limpio del video de la ceremonia, cortesía de Orange TV. For technical support, contact Orange TV at 407-222-5372 or                     

Conozca acerca del Gobierno del Condado de Orange:el Gobierno del Condado de Orange hace todo lo posible por servir a sus residentes y visitantes con integridad, honradez, imparcialidad y profesionalismo. Situado en la Florida Central, el Condado de Orange cuenta con 13 municipios y alberga a los parques temáticos más famosos del mundo, a uno de los centros de convenciones más grande del país y a un centro de investigación en ciencias biológicas. La Junta de Comisionados del Condado está conformada por siete miembros electos, entre los que se incluye el Alcalde, cuya elección es a nivel de todo el condado. Para mayor información visite o ingrese a los canales de medios sociales del Gobierno del Condado de Orange..

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