Doreen Overstreet, Orange County Government Public Information Officer
Teléfono: 407-836-5301

La Alcaldesa del Condado de Orange, Teresa Jacobs, Pronunciará el Discurso Final sobre el Estado del Condado

Orange County, Fla. – Orange County Mayor Teresa Jacobs will deliver the 2018 State of the County address at the Dr. Phillips Center for the Performing Arts on Friday, May 18, at 4 p.m.

In the annual Estado del Condado address, the Orange County Mayor — who functions under a CEO-style “strong-mayor” form of government — reports directly to residents on the state of Orange County’s economy, finances, operations and programs, all of which support Orange County’s superior quality of life and provide the groundwork for future prosperity.

This will be Mayor Jacobs’ final State of the County address - her eighth address since taking office in 2011. While in office, Mayor Jacobs' priority has been to create a sustainable future of ever-growing economic prosperity and opportunity for all, built upon Orange County's innovation-driven, forward-focused initiatives and strategic investments in crucial quality-of-life infrastructure and services, including a diverse arts, sports and recreation environment, thriving natural resources, a diversified economy, efficient roads and transit systems, and a broad array of public safety and family resources.

To reserve your seat at this event, please register at La entrada al evento es libre y gratuita. Immediately following Mayor Jacobs' speech, guests are encouraged to enjoy numerous food trucks on the Seneff Arts Plaza.

2018 State of the Orange County Address
Friday, May 18 at 4 p.m.
Doors Open at 3:15 p.m. | Speech at 4 p.m. | Food Trucks & Music @ 4:30 p.m.
Centro de Artes Escénicas Dr. Phillips

445 S. Magnolia Ave.
Orlando, FL 32801

The speech will be televised live on Orange TV, which is carried on Spectrum Channel 488, Comcast Channel 9, CenturyLink Channel 1081 and digital over-the-air on 10.2, and will be live-streamed on Facebook,, Twitter y

Conozca acerca del Gobierno del Condado de Orange:el Gobierno del Condado de Orange hace todo lo posible por servir a sus residentes y visitantes con integridad, honradez, imparcialidad y profesionalismo. Situado en la Florida Central, el Condado de Orange cuenta con 13 municipios y alberga a los parques temáticos más famosos del mundo, a uno de los centros de convenciones más grande del país y a un centro de investigación en ciencias biológicas. La Junta de Comisionados del Condado está conformada por siete miembros electos, entre los que se incluye el Alcalde, cuya elección es a nivel de todo el condado. Para mayor información visite o ingrese a los canales de medios sociales del Gobierno del Condado de Orange..

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