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Contact:Lisa. M. Burch
Human Resources Division
Office 407-836-5319
Location:450 E. South St.
Orlando, FL 32801
Contact:David Hansen, Sr. Env. Specialist
Orange County EPD
Location:UCF Crew House
18011 Lake Pickett Rd.
Orlando, FL 32803
Description:For the Lake Pickett Advisory Board to discuss
issues pertinent to the Lake Pickett MSTU
Contact:Kevin Camm, County Extension Director
Location:Orange County Cooperative Extension
(UF/IFAS Extension Orange County)
6021 S. Conway Rd.
Orlando, FL 32812
Description:To assist in the review and analysis of Orange County rules, regulations and ordinances affecting the agricultural industry.
Contact:Frantz Dutes, Interim Executive Director / Board Secretary
Phone: 407-894-0014
Email: fdutes@ochfa.com
Location:Orange County Administrative Building
1st Floor, Room 105
201 S Rosalind Avenue
Orlando, FL 32801
Description:Regular Monthly Meeting
Contact:Frantz Dutes, Interim Executive Director / Board Secretary
Phone: 407-894-0014
Email: fdutes@ochfa.com
Location:Orange County Housing Finance Authority
2211 Hillcrest Street
Orlando, FL 32803
Description:Joint / Ad Hoc Committee Meeting
Contact:Frantz Dutes, Interim Executive Director / Board Secretary
Phone: 407-894-0014
Email: fdutes@ochfa.com
Location:Orange County Administration Center
3rd. Floor, Conference Room Legal A
201 South Rosalind Avenue
Orlando, Florida 32801
Description:Tax Equity and Fiscal Responsibility Act (TEFRA) public hearing concerning the proposed issuance of its not to exceed $74,000,000 Multifamily Housing Revenue Bonds, to finance the acquisition and rehabilitation of a residential rental project; Orlando Family Development - Phase I, a residential rental community for persons of low, middle and moderate income in Orange County, Florida, District 4.
Contact:Frantz Dutes, Interim Executive Director / Board Secretary
Phone: 407-894-0014
Email: fdutes@ochfa.com
Location:Orange County Administration Center
3rd. Floor, Conference Room Legal A
201 South Rosalind Avenue
Orlando, Florida 32801
Description:Tax Equity and Fiscal Responsibility Act (TEFRA) public hearing concerning the proposed issuance of its not to exceed $56,000,000 Multifamily Housing Revenue Bonds, to finance the acquisition and rehabilitation of a residential rental project; Orlando Family Development; Phase II.
Contact:Tamara Johnson 407-836-5620; Tamara.Johnson@ocfl.net
Location:Pine Hills Community Center
6408 Jennings Road
Orlando, FL 32818
Contact:Laekin O'Hara | Chief Planner
P: 407-836-5943
Location:Orange County Administrative Bldg.
Orange County Commission Chambers - 1st FL
201 S. Rosalind Ave.
Orlando, FL 32801
Description:The BZA Feedback form for this meeting can be located at http://www.bit.ly/bzaform1
Please CLICK HERE for the Staff Report to access all supporting documentation for this meeting.
Contact:William Farhat, Fire Marshal
Location:Office of the Fire Marshal
7079 University Boulevard
Winter Park, Florida 32792
Description:Appeal opportunity for those who feel that an Office of the Fire Marshal determination does not correctly interpret the true intent of the Florida Fire Prevention Code, that the Code does not apply to a situation or the decision is unreasonable or arbitrary as it applies to alternatives or new material.
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